"Deborah Rimle hat mich mit ihrer professionelle Art sofort überzeugt, dass sie die richtige Person ist.
Sie hat mein Zeugnis innert kürzester Zeit gekonnt und stilsicher reviediert. Die Änderungsvorschläge wurden anstandslos vom ehemaligen Arbeitgeber übernommen.
Ich bin ihr dafür sehr dankbar.”
"I had moved to Switzerland back in January, 2021 for family reasons, and when it came to navigating the job market in Switzerland compared to the US, it was an unknown experience for me. I came across Deborah at HR Integration Expert when I was searching for services in the area that would be able to help provide guidance for me of the Swiss HR job market. Deborah was phenomenal in providing the necessary services I required. She provided me coaching on how I can better improve my CV and tailored cover letters for when it came time to applying to a job I felt I fit. With this coaching came valuable constructive critiquing and she made sure to highlight areas where I required improvement and explained why. With her coaching, I applied it going forward when I was applying to job posting. And today, I have been given an offer of employment for a wonderful company based in HR. Deborah’s knowledge and coaching I feel really was a significant contribution into me being able to secure this position" (former client)
"Deborah und ich arbeiteten zusammen für einen grossen Pharma Konzern. Das Arbeitsklima dort war einmalig, wir waren alle wie eine grosse Familie was enorm zum Erfolg beitrug. Deborah war dort zuständig für das HR und hat sich hervorragend um mich und alle weiteren Mitarbeiter gekümmert und somit dazu beigetragen, dass die Arbeitnehmer gut gelaunt und motiviert waren :).
Sie konnte mir stets alle Fragen beantworten und hat mich gefördert. Sie hat die Begabung die Mitarbeiter zu motivieren und wertzuschätzen. Unser Arbeitsklima war sensationell! Der wichtigste Faktor überhaupt für das Gelingen einer guten Firma. Deborah’s grosse Empathie, Fachwissen, Intelligenz, Englische Muttersprache, Kreativität und analytisches Denken verhelfen jedem Mitarbeiter alle Fragen und Probleme rasch möglichst zu verstehen und zu lösen. Heute arbeiten wir leider nicht mehr in derselben Firma. Jedoch kontaktiere ich immer Deborah, wenn ich Fragen habe betreffend HR oder einfach einen Rat von einem super Coach brauche. Fast solution garantiert ! Thank you Deborah, you are the BEST, Marylène”
"Working with Deborah was very helpful and smooth. I reached out to her for feedback and advice on an interim reference letter from my employer. Very quickly and based on her experience with the Swiss HR conventions she evaluated the draft I received, suggested improvements (that really made a difference), and gave me reassurance on how the outcome would be perceived. Thanks a lot for the help.”
"I had the opportunity to work closely with Deborah in 2012 during a period of intense post-merger organizational integration (Merck and Schering Plough).
Deborah assisted greatly in recruiting supply chain staff in the local Swiss market, as well as cross-border (EU) hires.
Deborah did a wonderful job of screening candidates, standardizing the hiring process and focusing on hiring the appropriate mix of staff. Deborah’s ability to rapidly adjust to the new, developing organization and align with her internal stakeholders resulted in a smooth and successful recruiting process." (former line manager)
"Debbie’s positive outlook and gentle approach have always been a big inspiration and provided just the required support when I have been looking for new career roles.
I am very thankful for all the training that I have done with you. You really listened to me and offered a lot of invaluable suggestions and advice
The Interview role playing and feedback really helped with Job interviews and gave me additional strength and confidence." (former client)
Deborah Rimle
Job Coaching, HR Integraton Consulting & Training
Kreuzstrasse 54, 8032 Zurich, Phone 079 507 89 50